by CoastView | Mar 7, 2024 | 2024, Alaska, Beaches, Climate Change, Coastal Features, Embayments, Historical, Islands, Land Use, Natural History, Rivers
Leffingwell Camp is situated on Flaxman Island, a shape-shifting barrier island separating the Beaufort Sea to the north and Lion Bay to the south, about 58 miles (94 km) east of Deadhorse and 58 miles (94 km) west of Kaktovik, Alaska. Barrier islands stretch across...
by CoastView | Mar 4, 2024 | 2024, Alaska, Beaches, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Coastal Features, Embayments, Glaciers, Land Use, Natural History, Parks
Dinglestadt Glacier has two land terminating lobes that straddle a watershed divide in the Kenai Mountains, with a minor lobe descending southeast for 4 miles (6 km) from an elevation of roughly 3300 feet (1006 m) to a tidal delta on the western shore of McCarty...
by CoastView | Feb 2, 2024 | 2024, Alaska, Beaches, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Coastal Features, Islands, Natural History, Rivers
Solivik Island is an Arctic barrier island that extends southwest for 16.5 miles (27 km) from Icy Cape Pass in the north to Utukok Pass in the south and forms the northern portion of Kasegaluk Lagoon, about 69 miles (111 km) southwest of Wainwright and 28 miles (45...
by CoastView | Jan 20, 2024 | 2024, Alaska, Beaches, Climate Change, Coastal Features, Communities, Developments, Land Use, Natural History
Kenai is a community situated at the site of Shk’ituk’t, a historical Dena’ina village located on the west coast of the Kenai Peninsula, on the eastern shore of Cook Inlet at the mouth of the Kenai River, about 65 miles (15 km) southwest of Anchorage...
by CoastView | Jan 7, 2024 | 2024, Alaska, Climate Change, Coastal Features, Glaciers, Natural History, Parks, Rivers
Fourpeaked Glacier starts from the eastern flank of Fourpeaked Mountain with a summit elevation of 6771 feet (2,064 m) and flows generally east for 6 miles (10 km) to a proglacial lake about 2.5 miles (4 km) long that is drained by a river that flows another 0.8 miles...
by CoastView | Dec 19, 2023 | 2023, Alaska, Climate Change, Coastal Features, Communities, Embayments, Land Use, Natural History, Rivers
Kwigillingok is a Central Yup’ik community situated on the west bank of the Kwigillingok River about 2 miles (3.2 km) inland from the northern shore of Kuskokwim Bay, about 80 miles (129 km) south-southwest of Bethel and 45 miles (72 km) west-northwest of...